Can you offer a student a placement?
Work Experience Placements
At Reaseheath we are always on the look out for employers who would be willing to offer a work placement for our college students.
Could you provide work experience to a student aged 16 and over?
At Reaseheath we believe it is vitally important that students receive industry focused experiences to ensure that they are career ready when they leave college.
If you own or manage a business and would like to help prepare the workforce of the future by offering a work placement to students at Reaseheath College, please get in touch today!
Our extended work placement programme aims to give students the chance to work with employees for longer periods, to ensure that they gain essential skills needed to excel in their chosen industry. This means that students learn what it’s really like to work within their chosen sector.
Many forward-thinking employers choose to offer a work placement to Reaseheath students to benefit from the free support they receive from young, hard-working students who have new, innovative ideas you could use in your business.
We offer courses in a variety of subject areas and we’re looking for businesses to partner with in related industries who would like to provide work placements. All we ask is that employers have employer liability insurance and that you can provide feedback to students on how they’re working.
How can Reaseheath students work for you?
Our students can bring fresh, new ideas to your business or organisation and would be a great temporary additional resource – maybe you’re waiting to get that project up and running that’s been on the back burner!
Develop your corporate social responsibility aspirations by supporting students to further their career.
We can support you with your recruitment by helping you find the right person for the job. Providing a work placement is a great opportunity to trial potential future employees without the recruitment costs.
Whether it be social media, web links or a case study, Reaseheath has the power to promote your business to a wide audience. By providing a work placement, you’ll be aligning your business or organisation with Cheshire’s premier land-based college.
We are looking for partnerships with businesses who can offer a work placement for our students in the following areas:
- Adventure Sports
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agriculture
- Animal Management
- Aquatic Ecosystems and Fisheries Management
- Bakery, Pâtisserie and Confectionery
- Business and Events Management
- Environmental Conservation
- Construction
- Engineering
- Equine
- Floristry
- Food Technology
- Forestry and Arboriculture
- Game and Wildlife Management
- Horticulture and Landscape
- Motor Vehicle
- Personal Training
- Public Services
- Sport
- Veterinary Nursing
Did you know?
Placements can be flexible to fit the needs of your business. Students can attend one day per week (including weekends) or for an extended time in one block. Dependent on course level and curriculum area, students are required to complete a different length of placement, which can vary from 100-150 hours to 45 days.
To find out more about the different work placement options, please get in touch today!
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